Gidget Graham / Crown Point Commercial
Property Highlights
17 Sleeping Rooms
3 Meeting Rooms including Main Banquet Hall
1 Full Professional
1 Living Quarters
for Site Manager
Full Laundry Facility
The grand entry includes a reception area, a gift shop and entry into the grand room with a full professional kitchen. The grand room has access to a sweeping outdoor deck with views of valley. The lower level provides two additional meeting rooms with access to a lower deck for indoor and outdoor activities. The large 17 sleeping rooms can accommodate up to 72 people. The ranch also includes living quarters for a site manager, and full laundry facilities.
Zone: IG General Industrial
Loading: Grade 14'
Parking: 2.2 : 1,000
Demised to ±4575 sq ft suites
Warehouse Height: 18 - 20'
12 miles to McCarran International Airport
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Henderson, NV
Henderson is consistently rated as one of the top cities in the U.S. to live and work. Convenient access to I515 and I215. Businesses and customers can reach most of the Valley quickly. Adjacent to the Henderson auto‐center, one of the largest auto centers. Touro University is a neighboring property. Mixed uses surround the community with Industrial Parks, Retail, Multi‐family. High traffic counts on I-215 & I-515.